Consulting & Training
NewEn offers technical, economic, financial, legal, managerial and organizational expertise related to energy efficiency, renewable energy sources (RES) and sustainability.
We provide support to define an effective Energy Management Plan, the Corporate Social Responsibility policies and a Sustainability Action Plan, to make the Life Cycle Cost Analysis and to define the most suitable technical and organizational strategies.
As an E.S.Co. (Energy Service Company) NewEnoffers a turnkey service taking care of all the components related to energy efficiency solutions: from the design of the most suitable and efficient technical solution to the procurement and costs aspects. We also evaluate any possible funding opportunity from national or international sources.
Contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
NewEn offers training class on energy efficiency, energy management, renewable sources, energy saving techniques, regulations, benefits and deductions opportunities.
Courses and classes address company executives, energy managers, professionals, architects, engineers, designers and installers. Courses can be standard or customized to specific needs and can be set up in the format of classrooms, coaching and training on the job.
For further information contact us to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .