Energy Efficiency for Public Administration


Mpubblica_amministrazioneunicipalities, Provinces, Local health districts and hospitals, schools and any other public building can reduce costs and emissions thanks to specific energetic efficiency interventions. For an effective analysis 3 main aspects can be analyzed:

  • technical, referring to the buildings envelop and service facilities
  • management, evaluating ongoing organization and processes
  • economic, to optimize energy supply contracts and exploit opportunities to access to funds and incentives.

A customized project team, composed by NewEn professional and NewEn Network experts, guarantees the most appropriate mix of skills and expertise for an effective Energy Audit.

The Energy Audit evaluates consumptions and costs under the three before mentioned areas to identify waste and losses. A precise cost/benefit analysis quantifies the potential money saving and payback period. Together with the list of all possible interventions we provide also operational guidelines and best practices for a proper and efficient overall management.

NewEn offers to Public Institutions also assistance and support to benefit of regional, national or European public funds, related to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources..

Energy City Plans and EU Covenant of Mayors

covenant_logoThe reduction of carbon emissions and costs can obtained in a systemic way and in wide areas through territorial projects focused on energetic efficiency.

Together with technical public administrator NewEn prepares a municipal requalification plan, which reports the list of possible improvements interventions, an economic-financial evaluation, the technical description of each solution and the estimate of time and costs.

This plan reflect the Covenant of Mayors philosophy, where the signatories of the Covenant assume the commitment of preparing a Baseline Emission Inventory and present, within one year after the signing, an Action Plan for Sustainable Energy (PAES) outlining the main actions that they intend to engage for the future. We contribute to the preparation of the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy, providing our support in the analysis of the energy consumption of the city, the definition of the energy balance and the identification of possible energy saving measures.

Smart Public Lighting

residenziale4_lightStreet lighting is an important asset in any urban area, contributing towards safer roads and greater security in residential, business, or municipal areas. According to research traditional high-pressure sodium streetlights can account for nearly 40 percent of a city's electricity costs. Electricity costs continue to rise, and as existing infrastructure ages, already high maintenance costs are increasing further. LED lamp technology has become eminently suitable for lighting applications, and today represents a more cost effective alternative to traditional street light bulbs. An LED lamp's cost effectiveness is partially due to less power usage and longer lifetimes. Although these are important cost saving factors, the more significant savings are realized because LEDs can be networked and monitored, thereby improving maintenance efficiency, and because they can be controlled remotely.

Newen supports municipalities and institutions also in the rationalization of public lighting electricity consumption. We offer our skills to revamp and adapt existing plants or to realize new lines, to obtain an effective reduction of consumption and costs. After a preliminary inspection NewEn evaluates all of possible alternatives, like reducing the number of installed lamps, adopting efficient lighting devices and installing energy control SW which allow light modulation accordingly to the needs. We help in transforming streetlights into intelligent, energy-efficient, remotely managed networks that deliver dependable lighting at 30% less cost than low-energy luminaires alone.